Providing Clean Drinking Water
World Mission 360 sponsored Clean Water Drilling Project
Clean water is something we easily take for granted in the west. Water is everywhere. We use it in excess at times; it’s in our homes, our lakes, and our swimming pools. We bottle it, flavor it, and we put bubbles in it. Most of us don’t give water a second thought. But Imagine waking every morning and having no access to water. This is the situation for countless families living in rural villages throughout India; they wake every morning and walk at least one mile, and sometimes many more, just to get water. With over one hundred families typically living in a village, the lack of water is a huge problem that often leads to sickness, disease, and death.
World Mission 360 sees every place of affliction and lack as an opportunity to bring life. Our Clean Water project is another way we’ve been able to reach out and help those who are suffering so severely in these rural areas.
Here’s how it works: Our Clean Water project team identifies locations where wells can be dug, and then arranges the logistics for a bore-well machine to be brought onsite to dig deep enough into the ground (typically 300-550 feet) to reach clean water. Though the process can take up to 6-8 weeks to coordinate, the actual digging of the well happens in less than 24 hours.
In less than 24 hours, a barren village stricken with disease is transformed into an oasis. When the first water comes up from the ground, there is so much excitement in the air; it’s like striking gold, but better! The village now has their first access, and permanent access to clean water. A working well completely revolutionizes the quality of life and brings new hope to replace the weariness and despair that so many people live in on a daily basis. Everywhere there is water, there is life! It is a joy and a privilege for us to have a small part in the radical transformation that occurs through simply digging a well!
Currently our Clean Water project is on hold because the bore-well companies have been on lockdown through the pandemic. We are anticipating the project’s continued success as things slowly reopen throughout India and we are excited to step into more people’s lives and offer the gift of water!